Saskatoon and Region

About Us

In motion was launched in 2000 as a health promotion strategy to support physical activity throughout communities. It has successfully created a wide range of partnerships to build community awareness, develop targeted community-based strategies and create environments that support physical activity. 

In motion’s founding partners are:

In motion promotes the health benefits of physical activity and aims to motivate all residents to incorporate regular physical activity into their daily lives. In motion reaches into the community through public awareness campaigns, special events, targeted initiatives and through networks of in motion Champion's in schools, workplaces and communities.

Our founding partners and stakeholder organizations lead the way by actively supporting in motion Champions in the community. Champions are individuals who make promoting physical activity their personal mission. At their disposal is a range of in motion resources to help them share the in motion message where they live, work, learn and play. Also promoting our message of active living are in motion Ambassadors – high profile community leaders who support the initiative both publicly and within their circles of influence. 

Saskatoon and region is the birthplace of the in motion strategy. Other communities across Canada have adopted our in motion model, but our focus remains on helping the Saskatoon Health Region be ”in motion”.

Our Mission

All citizens of Saskatoon Health Region will integrate regular physical activity into the various facets of their daily lives.

Our Vision

Saskatoon Health Region will lead the collective action of community partners in making Saskatoon and region the healthiest community in Canada through physical activity. This will serve as a model for provincial, national and international initiatives.

Operating Principles

Physical activity will be the key component to the “whole body” health promotion strategy. Initiatives will be achieved through a collaborative approach with private, public and volunteer sectors in the community. Focus will be on a proactive approach to health versus reactive (health promotion and illness prevention versus treatment). Equitable choices and opportunities will be available, initially through a targeted approach moving towards inclusiveness. Priority will be given to sustainable initiatives and programs.

Active living plays an important role in personal development and lifelong learning. In motion’s strategy provides the citizens of Saskatoon and region with access to equitable choices and opportunities for active living that is appropriate to their age, gender, language, heritage, physical ability and socioeconomic status. It is regarded as vital that a broad range of safe and supportive physical activity choices are available to meet individual needs and preferences, and reach people in all facets of their daily life, including work, school, family and leisure. 

Physical activity – Do it for Life!