Saskatoon and Region

In motion Research

Research and evaluation are one of the four key components to the in motion model. It’s important to measure success and identify how and where to improve!

In motion provides a unique opportunity to study the determinants of physical activity, evaluate community-based interventions, and assess their impact on health service utilization. In the summer of 2001, the in motion partnership received a $2M federal research grant (over five years) to study the effectiveness of in motion in these areas – improving physical activity and building community capacity.

At the beginning of the research program, the community partners funded a city-wide survey to determine baseline physical activity levels and thereafter launched a communications and marketing strategy to promote physical activity. Between 2000 and 2008 this survey showed an increase in physical activity levels in Saskatoon and region. In motion continues to evaluate its strategies and welcomes partnership with researchers from various academic fields.